Friday 20 July 2012

Statue's of Shri.Ramanujacharya, Shri.Shankaracharya, Shri.Madhvacharya,...for AACHARYA - TRAYARA - TAPOVANA..for our Asharama..

Shri. Ramanujacharya

Shri. Shankaracharya

Shri. Madhvacharya


  1. Madhawa is great ....Sankaracharya is noting....he is avatara of manimath the rakshas in mahabharatha ...he had killed by dwaparayuga ...but he prayed to lord learn the next avatara shiva had told that my avaysha will come with you that you can learn the veda in next janama he learn veda ...Sankaracharya went to kashi to learn brahmasutra but fact is that all vedas are in the hand of vedavyasa...Sankaracharya stoled that from vedavyasa with the help of shiva..and wrote bhasaya totally opposite to that original bharma sutras ...but vedavyasa is karuna samdara ..he not used his power to oppose him....because vedavyasa know that vayu will take birth as madwa he will correct all mistakes of manimath was a rakshasa his aim is to show wrong path to sujana that he did ...don 't follow Sankaracharya policy...if you want please both bharma sutra bhasya written by Sankaracharya and madhwacharya you only come to know the truth......if you follow Sankaracharya means you are going with rakshasa

    1. The purpose of veda and sastra are for Dharma in life, both individual and social life. It is for Dharma all three acharyas devoted their life. The prasthana thraya concept is being established by acharya sankara ( All the books - brahma sutra, bhagavad gita and upanishads were lying neglected in ancient libraries at that time.) It was from sankara gurukula even madhwa got the opportunity to learn veda and vedantha from achyutha preksha his first master. common man need the simple meaning of dharma sastras to lead his life correctly. It is the duty of wise to give some good idea to them from all acharya's writings. And all other thoughts and actions should be condemned and neglected by others. This era is not to quarrel between us but to unite and protect our poor people from being infected with church beliefs. So let us unite, respect each other and work for progress.
