Friday 20 July 2012


With the concept of Social, religious and

spiritual oneness we have come out with a

dream of building a Aarcharyathtreya tapovana

to combine the ideas of Advaitha, Dwaitha,

Vishishtadwaitha philosophies..

These tapovanas will be traditionalized with

parna kuteeras. The philosophies of Shri

Ramanujacharya , shri Madhwacharya and Shri

Shankaracharya are facilitated to read and

analyse here. These tapovanas will also be 

useful for Mediation, yoga, Pranayama..

In future we will be coming out with helping 

hands for Deaf, Dumb, physically handicapped

and old age homes. We have a pure concept of

nitya Dasoha in future....

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